Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hey you Beansprout

Long time no see blog! I was a bit busy with things but here I am. 

So, I just finished Nisekoi a couple weeks ago...

And I'll go talk about it!

In the end really, in Nisekoi, it's not about it being definitive or original masterpiece, it's about how fun the show was. Sure, every damn harem and stereotype trope have been played in it, but it was executed decently.

Romance was coy. There were moments for each girl, but nothing really reached to a canon couple. Which is fine.

What made this show fun was the comedy. I'm gonna say right now, the jokes are not entirely original and you should not watch with too high expectations (which I did when I started). The reaction faces, jokes and absurdity was the most redeeming point. This part made the whole unoriginality and cliches more palatable (or tolerable).

If I sum it up: "Despite its familiar and uninspired story, Nisekoi redeems as an effective comedy."

Haha. I guess... but yeah, overall it was quite good.

Anyway guys, recommended if you are 1.) an anime beginner, 2.) recoiling from a heavy series and 3.) looking for a fun and light-minded show. 

I really don't mind a second season!

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